ISSN : 1229-0653
Recently, the family violence has been issued in Korean society. In particular, wife-assault, i.e., the violent behaviors of husbands to wives in which influenced on physical and psychological problems of women, children and adolescents have been neglected by Korean patriarchy. The objective of the present paper is to integrate research from a variety of disciplines, including sociology, psychology, and women studies and present a multilevel analysis that analyzes the dynamic interplay between individual and interpersonal factors, and situational factors in wife-assault. According to past researchers, wife-assaulter had high aggression, high stress situation, low self-esteem, low gender-egalitarianism, and witnessing inter-parental violence in the growing. In addition, the efficiency of the inter-spouse communication was important variable. The results revealed that low self-esteem, and low gender-egalitarianism had relation to low efficiency of marital communication. Then, this communication influenced on husband' aggression. These relationships leaded to wife assault. Stress influenced on wife-assault via aggression Also, stress influenced on wife-assault via marital communication and aggression. Witnessing inter-parental violence had direct relations with wife-assault. The result of this study summarized as followings; First, a various variables such as individual characteristics of husband, situational factors around the marital can influence simultaneously on bad marital relationship. Secondly, more worse marital relationship and stressful situations around husband, more activate husband's aggression. Thirdly, husband's aggression that is evoked by various antecedents can cause to lead his violent behavior to wife. Finally, an experience of witnessing inter-parental violence can have direct relation to wife-assault.
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