ISSN : 1229-0653
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of comparison goal, failure experience of comparison target and attainability of success upon self-rating in failure situation. It was assumed that these effects are due to fulfillment level of comparison motive and expectation of success thereafter. The results of the experiment showed that the hypothesized three-way interaction was confirmed. To put the three-way interaction effect concretely, in the self-promotion goal condition there was significantly higher self- evaluation when upward comparison target had experienced failure or when attainability was high than when upward comparison target had experienced failure and attainability was also low. In the self- enhancement goal condition, the results of self-evaluation were varied according to the level of attainability, whereas there was no significant differences in self-evaluation according to failure experience of the comparison target. The results of this study were discussed in terms of the self-regulation theory of social comparison process(Hahn, 1999, 2002; Hahn, Jang, 2003a; Jang, Hahn, 2004a) and the previous empirical studies. Finally, the limitations of this study and implications for future studies were added.
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