ISSN : 1229-0653
This study verified psychological variables to have an effect on uncertainty avoidance focusing on Chemyon(Social face) sensitivity, social anxiety and self-esteem, based on Hofstede's uncertainty avoidance. To inspect this study, first, by using a list of questions, measured them, which are Chemyon(Social face) sensitivity, social anxiety and self-esteem. Second, by making uncertainty conditions experimentally, measured uncertainty avoidance. As a result of analyzing into multiple regression analysis, the finding could catch the point that Chemyon(Social face) sensitivity and social anxiety are primary factors to expect uncertainty avoidance but self-esteem is not. These research results show current events. This study find more explicit psychological factors of Hofstede's uncertainty avoidance than before. Even though, Hofstede's study explained that the factors of uncertainty avoidance are caused by just influence on culture and anxiety, through this research found that Chemyon(Social face) sensitivity and social anxiety cause uncertainty avoidance as an important factor. Also, this study verified that prediction of the future on the uncertainty avoidance. In other hand, It is inspected through this study that self-esteem is not a factor of influencing on uncertainty avoidance. Key Words:uncertainty avoidance, chemyon, social face, self-esteem, social anxiety, culture dimension
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Chung-won Lee, An Analysis of Influences of Chemyon(Social-Face) Sensitivity, Social Anxiety and Self-esteem on Uncertainty Avoidance Tendency, Chung-Ang University
Social face, This study verified psychological variables to have an effect on uncertainty avoidance focusing on Chemyon based on Hofstede's uncertainty avoidance by using a list of questions As a result of analyzing into multiple regression analysis the finding could catch the point that Chemyon,