ISSN : 1229-0653
The present study examined the influence of discrimination experience on evaluation of in-group/ out-group and its member. For this aim, two experiments were conducted. In experiment 1, participants received information that described either a favorable or unfavorable in-group/out-group member and then evaluated the person whom they read about. The results showed that the participants who experienced discrimination evaluated the unfavorable out-group member more negatively and the favorable out-group member more positively than those in the non-discrimination condition. The evaluation of in-group member was not influenced by the discrimination experience. The procedure of Experiment 2 was the same as that of Experiment 1 except for adding evaluation of in-group/out group before its member. The result showed that participants who experienced discrimination evaluated the out-group more unfavorably than those in the non-discrimination condition. The evaluation of its member was the same with Experiment 1. This result suggests that information processing and evaluation of group and its member can differ. Implications and limits of the study are discussed.
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The present study examined the influence of discrimination experience on evaluation of in-group/ out-group and its member participants received information that described either a favorable or unfavorable in-group/out-group member and then evaluated the person whom they read about The results showed that the participants who experienced discrimination evaluated the unfavorable out-group member more negatively and the favorable out-group member more positively than those in the non-discrimination condition The evaluation of in-gr,