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Does Happiness Build Psychological Resources?

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2009, v.23 no.1, pp.165-179

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Two studies conducted to explore the influence of happiness on the adaptive psychological functioning. Study 1 examined whether happiness and psychological resources (self-esteem and optimism) reciprocally predict one another. A total of 308 junior high school students completed a questionnaire at two assessment periods 4 months apart. The results showed that initial life-satisfaction predicted increased self-esteem and optimism, and initial optimism predicted improved positive affect. In terms of Study 2, the long term effect of life-satisfaction and the relation between life-satisfaction and the changes of psychological resources were examined by using the data from Wave 1-4 (2003-2006) of the Korean Youth Panel Survey (KYPS). The results of Study 2 are as followings; Firstly, beneficial effects of life-satisfaction on self-esteem and self-trustfulness had lasted for 3 years. Secondly, life-satisfaction turned out to be slightly decreasing and two psychological resources (self-esteem and self-trustfulness) were growing during adolescence. Finally, the initial states and the rate of change of life-satisfaction had influences on the changes of the psychological resources. Overall, the findings indicate that life-satisfaction has a relation with the formation of adaptive psychological functioning.

행복, 주관적 안녕감, 생활 만족, 자기존중감, 낙관주의, 긍정적 정서의 확장-형성 이론, Happiness, Subjective well-being, Life-satisfaction, Self-esteem, Optimism, The broaden- and-build theory of positive emotions



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology