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The Effects of Regulatory Focus-fits among Self, Partner and Task Demands upon Partner Choice in Collective Task

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2010, v.24 no.4, pp.113-131

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The purpose of this study was to investigate through a laboratory experiment the effects of regulatory focus-fits among dyad and task demands upon partner choice in collective task. It was hypothesized that the higher the regulatory focus among self, partner, and task demands, the higher the choice as the participant's partner. The experiment was performed with 2 self-regulatory focus(promotion vs. prevention) × ⑵ regulatory focus-fits between self and partner(fit vs. nonfit) × 3 task demands(promotion vs. prevention vs. mixed strategy) randomized mixed factorial design. Self-regulatory focus was measured by two self-regulation scales and the participants with high-promotion or high-prevention focus were selected. Regulatory focus of two potential partners were manipulated by two questionnaires. The task demands were framed in terms of the task performance strategies. Ninety eight participants were randomly assigned to 6 conditions. The results of this study showed that the main hypothesis of regulatory-fits were confirmed: ⑴Participants chose good-fit partners more than poor-fit partners. ⑵Higher choice of good-fit partners was consistently observed among the participants with high-promotion focus in spite of differences in task demands. But choice of good-fit partners was differently appeared according to the task demands. ⑶Three way interaction effect of self-regulatory focus, self-partner regulatory fits and task demands were also found. The results of this study were discussed in terms of the regulatory focus-fit hypotheses and the limitations of this study and the suggestions for further study were added.

dyad regulatory focus-fits, self-regulatory focus, promotion focus, prevention focus, task demands, collective task, partner choice, interpersonal attraction, social attraction, 양자관계, 조절초점부합, 조절초점이론, 향상조절초점, 예방조절초점, 과제요구, 공동수행 상대 선택, 대인매력, 사회매력



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology