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Comparison of global and episodic evaluations of subjective well-being

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2011, v.25 no.3, pp.17-29

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The present study investigated whether global evaluation of subjective well-being was different from episodic one and the difference was interpreted as indicating influence of normative beliefs in the relationship between marriage and subjective well-being on global evaluation. In study 1, married and single women in their thirties evaluated their life globally and episodically. In study 2, college students made global and episodic evaluations of subjective well-being of hypothetical married and single women in their thirties. Study 2 aimed to see if college students evaluated hypothetical women differently in the two evaluations and the pattern of difference was different from that of women in their thirties in study 1. The results of study 1 showed that married women evaluated their global subjective well-being more highly than single women. However, episodic evaluations between the two groups were not different. The difference in the two evaluations suggests the influence of normative beliefs on global evaluation and the pattern of the difference demonstrates that women in their thirties have normative beliefs that marriage makes their life happier. On the contrary, the results from college students in study 2 showed that the belief in marriage as a norm was somewhat weak. Generational change in normative beliefs in the relationships between marriage and subjective well-being seemed to be reflected in the differences between global and episodic evaluations.

marriage, subjective well-being, global evaluation, episodic evaluation, 결혼, 주관적 안녕, 전반적 평가, 일화적 평가



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology