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Lay Judgment for Self-defense Claim: Effects of Individualism and Collectivism

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2012, v.26 no.3, pp.1-12

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This study was to examine how juror eligible lay people evaluate claims of self-defense generically (i.e., without being informed with its legal definitions). It was hypothesized that, in determination for self-defense claims,individuals of high Collectivism would be stricter than those of high Individualism. The results showed that individualists’ judgment of self-defense did not vary in accordance with the presence or absence of threat imminence in the scenario. On the other hand, collectivists’ judgment of self-defense varied significantly according to the presence or absence of the imminence. Greater proportions of collectivists accepted the defendant’s claim of self-defense when the imminence of threat was present in the scenario than when it was absent. Implications of the results for how to instruct the jurors in the self-defense cases were discussed.

self-defense, reasonableness, collectivism, individualism, 정당방위, 상당성, 개인주의, 집단주의



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology