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A Study on the Mediating Effect of Social Sharing on the Relationship between Memory Characteristics and Event Centrality Regarding Social crisis: Comparison between Perceived Direct Exposure Group and Indirect Exposure Group

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2015, v.29 no.3, pp.23-44

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When societal crises occur(e.g., natural disasters, politically motivated assassination, or mass killings during anti-government movements), people express their thoughts and emotions with others in person or via social media. This is referred to as social sharing. Our study aimed to find out how social sharing mediates the memory of such major events and the individuals’ capacity to integrate those events into their personal identity(i.e., event centrality). Specifically, we explored the differences among memory characteristics (vividness, emotional intensity, and emotional valence) as they are mediated by social sharing which eventually may help or hinder the individual to integrate those events into their personal lives. We also hypothesized that there would be a difference between the individuals who perceive that they directly experienced the event (e.g., had be present at the scene, was a victim or knew the victim closely) versus those who were indirectly affected (e.g., watched on the news). We developed a questionnaire of Korean major societal events experience, and used the scales from Memory Experience Questionnaire (Sutin & Robins, 2007) and Central Event Scale (Bernsten & Rubin, 2006) to test for our hypotheses. A perceived direct exposure group was n=286, and indirect exposure group was n=532. Results from the multi-group analysis using structural equation modeling showed that social sharing fully mediated vividness and the event centrality in a indirect exposure group only. And social sharing partially mediated emotional intensity and event centrality in both groups. Especially, in a perceived direct exposure group, the effect of emotional intensity on social sharing is more high than a indirect exposure group. In the case of negative emotional valence, a perceived direct exposure group showed full mediation effect whereas indirect exposure group did not. Further discussion is included regarding.

사회적 공유, 사회적 위기사건에 대한 기억특성, 사건 중심성, 매개효과, 다집단분석, social sharing, memory experience of social crisis of Korea, centrality of event, the mediating effect, multi-group analysis



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology