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Multivariate Analysis의 실무적용 : 군정신전력의 육성방안연구를 중심으로

A Study of Enhancing the Military Spiritual War Power (MSWP) : The Practical Application of Multivariate Analysis

한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격 / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
1986, v.3 no.1, pp.155-167
조남국(Nam-Guk Cho) (육군사관학교)
  • 다운로드 수
  • 조회수


The present study is to demonstrate and discuss a new approach to the study of Military Spiritual War Power (MSWP). Since 1976 MSWP was unsuccessfully tried to measure in the Korean Army. In this paper, using the factor analysis (FA), it was shown how to extract the factors of the MSWP, its factor scores and weighted total MSWP score, which were unsolved problems in previous research with the usual item analysis. The MSWP factor scores were then analyzed with other methods of multivariate analysis (MR, CA). By this approach it was possible to construct a system for "diagnosis and treatment" of MSWP. The final aim of this study was to develop a method laying down guidelines on the leadership for troop commanders in the sense of enhancing the MSWP. The expected effects of this study are following: (1) The measurement and control of the MSWP variables. (2) Enhancing the MSWP in small groups. (3) Establishment of command directions to reinforce MSWP in military units. (4) Developing the plan to establish a military policy in MSWP area.


한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격