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대인평가차원의 분화: 발달적 조망

Developmental Changes in Person-Evaluation Dimension: A Test of the Dual-Aspect Model

한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격 / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
1986, v.3 no.1, pp.169-198
조긍호(Geung-Ho Cho) (서강대학교)
  • 다운로드 수
  • 조회수


이 연구는 중학생과 고등학생 연령집단의 피험자를 대상으로 하여 대학생을 대상으로 한 필자(趙, 1985)의 앞선 실험을 재검함으로써, 대인평가 차원의 발달적 분화경향을 알아보려 한 것이다. 실험 I에서는 중학교 2학년생과 고등학교 2학년생 각 55명씩에게 53개의 성격평가 특성을 제시하고, 정보의존 상황에서의 중요도와 효과의존 상황에서의 중요도를 평정하게 하여 각 연령집단에서의 지적 평가 특성과 정적 평가 특성을 찾아내었다. 실험 II에서는 정보의존 상황에서는 지적 특성, 그리고 효과의존 상황에서는 정적 특성이 관련 특성이 되는 도식적 정보처리의 양상이 나타날 것이라는 가설을 검증하였다. 실험III에서는 호오차원과 화친차원이라는 인상도식으로 인상판단을 하게 하면 각각 지적 특성과 정적 특성에 대한 도식적 정보처리의 양상이 나타날 것이라는 가설을 검증하였다. 그 결과 고등학생 연령집단에서는 이러한 도식적 정보처리의 양상이 나타났으나, 중학생 연령집단에서는 그러한 양상이 나타나지 않았다. 또한, 대상인물에 대한 인상 평정치의 결과에서도 두 연령집단의 특징적인 차이가 발견되었다. 이러한 결과들은 고등학생 연령집단은 대학생 연령집단과 마찬가지로 대인평가의 차원 분화가 이루어졌으나, 중학생 연령집단은 아직 분화가 이루어지지 않았음을 나타내는 것이라고 논의되었다.



The main purpose of the present study was to investigate the Dual-Aspect Model in Person-Evaluation Dimension which was proposed by the present author(Cho, 1982) by examining the developmental changes of person-evaluation categories and impression judgment in two different age groups. For this purpose, three related experiments were conducted using 8th and 11th graders as subjects. In Experiment I, 55 male subjects in each age group were asked to evaluate 53 adjectives which describe personality traits according to the importance-values in forming impression of others in two different contexts: one being the information-dependent-situation and the other being effect-dependent situation. The results showed that, for the 8th grade group, 18 words were identified to describe intellectual traits and 15 words to describe affective traits while, for the 11th grade group, 19 words and 15 words respectively. The words identified as intellectual and affective traits by the two age groups were almost identical. In Experiment II, a stimulus person supposed to possess 20 traits (10 intellectual and 10 affective) was presented to two age groups with the schema to form impressions in the information dependent-situation and in effect-dependent-situation. The main dependent variables were the amount of words in each trait category by free recall and the scores gained in impression judgment. The important results found in the second experiment were as follows: (1) The two age groups differed in their response of free recall. The 11th graders recalled words associated with intellectual traits far more than those associated with affective traits in the information-dependent-situation while they recalled words associated with the affective traits better in the effect-dependent-situation. However, the 8th graders recalled words associated with affective traits better in both situations. (2) The two age groups were different in the scores of their impression judgment. In the 11th grade group, the impressions formed in the information-dependent-situation were extreme compared with the effect-dependent-situation. However, in 8th grade group, the impressions formed in both situations ware identical. In Experiment III, the same stimulus person from the Experiment II was presented to the groups with the schema to form impressions in two dimensions: the good-bad dimension (favorability dimension) and the like-dislike dimension (likability dimension). The dependent measures of the third experiment were, as in the second experiment, the amount of words by free recall and the scores gained in the impression judgment. The main results obtained from this experiment were identical with those from the Experiment II. These results suggest that the present author's Dual-Aspect Model in Person-Evaluation Dimension could be applied successfully to the l1th grade students but not to the 8th grade students. Therefore, from the present study it can be concluded that the two person-evaluation dimensions (favorability dimension and likability dimension) are differentiated in the 11th grade students but not in the 8th grade students.


한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격