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  • 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI) 서울분원 대회의실(별관 3층)
  • 2024년 07월 03일(수) 13:30


  • P-ISSN1229-0653
  • KCI

분배형태의 결정에 미치는 이기적 동기의 영향

Determining Effects of Self-interest on Resource Allocation

한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격 / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
1987, v.3 no.2, pp.161-182
韓圭錫(Kyu-Seok Han) (全南大學校 心理學科)


자원분배의 형태는 여러가지 要因의 - 生産性 向上, 集團和合의 도모, 개인의 利益 추구 등 - 고려에 의해서 영향을 받는다. 本硏究에서는 분배의 形態는 그것이 분배자의 利益에 미치는 영향에 의해서 결정될 수 있음을 기존의 실험상황을 變形시킨 새로운 상황下에서 보이고 있다. 이 상황에서는 분배자가 자원분배를 제三者의 立場에서 取하지만 그 分配의 效果가 분배자의 이익에 영향을 미칠 수 있으며 분배자 個人의 이익과 集團 全體의 利益이 구별 可能하다. 실험가설로써 두 利益體系가 合致할 경우에 集團의 能率을 추구하는 분배형태가 나타나지만 분배자의 이익이 집단이익 추구에 의해 決定的인 害를 보게 되는 경우 非能率的인 그러나 보다 公平한 분배가 公平性을 표방하고 나타날 것을 예상했다. 분배자의 조장으로서의 지위의 安定性(안정 / 불안정)과 자원의 성격 (권력성 / 유용성)의 두 변인을 조작한 2 x 2 요인계획을 사용 112명의 男女 大學生을 무작위로 배정하여 자원분배를 하게 한 결과는 실험가설을 지지해 주고 있다. 이러한 결과는 권력의 制度化와 관련 논의가 이루어졌으며 그 밖의 문제점이 논의되었다.



Self-interest may at times be the deciding factor in whether the leader of a work group allocates resources to achieve efficiency or harmony. Then, should self-interest and group interest be congruent, efficiency would appear the objective. If group interest were contrary to self-interest, an inefficient allocation may be chosen and defended as fair. Beginning psychology students, 56 females and 56 males in triads, initially all learned, through bogus feedback, that, based on individual performance on a preliminary task, they would be group leader. Leadership was compensated with extra credit toward tickets for a $50 lottery. However, to continue as leader over a series of tasks required constant top performance. On the initial group task each member earned credit from both individual and group performance. At its conclusion half the subjects (noncritical condition) learned they remained top performer, making it likely they would retain leadership throughout the session. The others (critical condition) learned another worker outperformed them, threatening their future position. As leaders, all were then to allocate use of a tool between the other two members (a second tool was for the leader exclusively). The tool could double performance, and it was described as either a resource for power (affecting earnings and leader assignment) or a resource of use (affecting only earnings). As hypothesized, the subjects in the Critical; Power condition more frequently made fair (i.e., inefficient) allocations than did the subjects in each of the other three conditions. Allocating the tool 100% of the time to the better worker would be efficient : while giving the tool 2/3 of the time to the better worker, who did twice the work of the third worker, could be defended as fair. Subjects allocating fairly more often cited harmony, fairness, helping the poor worker, and maintaining leadership as reasons for their allocation. Subjects allocating efficiently cited performance and group earnings. A main effect indicated more subjects allocated consistently with fairness when the resource affected power than when it affected earnings only. The experiment demonstrated "institutionalization of power".


한국심리학회지: 사회 및 성격