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Narcissism and Infidelity Intention in Romantic Relationship: A Person × Situation Interaction Approach

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2017, v.31 no.2, pp.1-20

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We investigated the interactive effect of person and situation on infidelity intention in romantic relationship. In study 1, married individuals (N = 116) completed an online survey including a measure of narcissism and were asked to respond to infidelity intention questions after imagining themselves as a protagonist in a hypothetical vignette. The protagonist in the vignette has made a big investment into marriage and encounters an attractive opposite-sex person who showed romantic interests in him/her. Results showed that narcissism was positively related to infidelity intentions, and that men had higher infidelity intentions than women. However, the interaction between sex and narcissism was not significant, indicating that narcissism’s effect on infidelity intention was independent of participant sex. In Study 2, we investigated the effects of both person and situation on infidelity intention, as well as the interaction between them. Male students (N = 143) who were not involved in a romantic relationship completed a measure of narcissism and responded to infidelity intention questions after reading a similar vignette to study 1. We manipulated the investment size of the protagonist (high vs. low) and quality of the alternative partner (high vs. low) in the vignettes. Participants showed higher infidelity intentions when the investment size was low or when the quality of the alternative was high. Narcissistic individuals showed high infidelity intentions when both investment size and quality of the alternative were high or both of them were low. These results suggest that it is important to take both person and situation into account when understanding social behavior.

infidelity intention, narcissism, investment model, person × situation interaction, 도 의도, 나르시시즘, 투자 모델, 개인 × 상황 상호작용



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology