ISSN : 1229-0653
The present study examined how to persuade college students to support for the affirmative action policy for women. We hypothesized that since the persuasion attempts directly arguing against the recipients’ existing attitudes often had been confronted with resistance, indirect methods to attack the values or principles on which attitudes were based might be more effective. In Study 1, we presented the participants with either a message criticizing the meritocracy value(or principle) or insisting directly for the affirmative action policy. The participants indicated their attitudes towards AA both before and after reading the message. The results showed that the participants’ attitudes toward the AA policy tended to change more positively after reading the message criticizing the meritocracy value, in comparison with the participants who read the message arguing for the AA policy directly. The results also demonstrated that the positive effect of the attack on the value of meritocracy on attitude change was mediated by the increased favorability of the meritocracy value. In Study 2, we directly manipulated the favorability of the meritocracy value by providing positive or neutral evaluative information of the ingroup (i.e., the opinion of the same University students’ as the participant’s) regarding the meritocracy value or principle. The results demonstrated that as expected, positive ingroup norm compared to the neutral one changed the participant’s attitudes towards the AA policy more positively. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings were discussed.
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