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The relationships among contact, threat, and prejudice toward the minority groups

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2017, v.31 no.4, pp.225-245

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Healthy communities is likely to begin with accepting the coexistence of diverse groups in our society and acknowledging different ideas with us. Prejudice against minority groups interfere with building such a society. Current study examined the prejudice of North Korean refugees, multicultural families, LGBT, people with physical illness, and people with mental illness, which are defined as minority groups in our society, and demonstrated the impact of contact experience and threat on prejudice. The contact experience was classified as direct contact and indirect contact (informational contact through media), and the threat was divided into realistic threat and symbolic threat. The measures of prejudice were examined through social distance for each group. The total of 376 students were responded in this survey. The result showed that social distance was the highest among people with mental illness, and the groups that felt the threat were the refugees and multicultural families. Threatens showed significant explanatory power in all group prejudices, but contact experiences represented different results depending on the group, suggesting that the use of contact for bias reduction requires different interventions depending on the group. Based on these results, we discussed the prejudice reduction method for minority groups and implications of this study.

prejudice, social distance, contact, threat, minority groups, 편견, 사회적 거리감, 접촉, 위협감, 소수집단



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology