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The power of achieving long-term goal: Characteristic of the gritty people based on future time perspective

Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology / Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology, (P)1229-0653;
2019, v.33 no.3, pp.43-63

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This study aimed to investigate the characteristic of grit related to long-term goal. Despite grit is defined as perseverance and passion for a long-term goal, little is known about the relationship between grit and long-term goal. Therefore, based on the theory of future time perspective, which explains the subjective temporal perception that perceives close to or far from reaching future goals could motivate the present behavior, we aimed to identify gritty people would objectively pursue further distant goals from the present, and feel more psychologically closer to the long-term goals. We also investigated how conscientiousness, which is considered a similar concept as grit, differs from grit in long-term goal setting and perception. 120 university students were asked to draw a line to a point when they would achieve their long-term goal in their life span and write down the age of that point in their life. The result showed that grit was a still significant indicator of objective distance and psychological distance to the long-term goals even when conscientiousness was controlled. However, conscientiousness was not associated with all of the time perception to the long-term goals. These findings support the result of the literatures, which argues that grit is a distinct concept from conscientiousness in pursuing long-term goals, and have the implication that we verified the characteristics of grit known to achieve long-term goals in terms of time perception.

grit, future time perspective, conscientiousness, long-term goal, subjective temporal perception, 그릿, 미래시간조망, 성실성, 장기목표, 주관적 시간지각



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Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology