The purpose of this study was to investigate the current prevalence of pathological gambling in the general population of South Korea. The Korean version of pathological gambling screen measures(KNODS, KMAGS, and KSOGS) were administered to 2,867 South Korea residents using various sampling methods. In this result, it was found that 1.4% of the population were identified as pathological gamblers through KMAGS which is the most conservative measure while the KNODS identified 2.6% and the KSOGS identified 4.4% of the population as pathological gamblers in the general sample (N=908). In the gambler sample (N=424), the KMAGS identified 29.0% and the KNODS identified 38.0% of the samples as pathological gamblers. Also KNODS identified 6.1% of the sample as pathological gamblers in the internet sample (N=834). Finally, in the telephone interview sample (N=701), the KMAGS-SF identified 1.3% of the sample as pathological gamblers. When we consider that risk of overestimation of pathological gambler due to a false-positive in KSOGS and KSOGS don't fully reflecting diagnosis criteria of DSM-IV, prevalence from 1.3% to 2.6% seems to be appropriate as estimated of prevalence of pathological gambling in the general population of South Korea. The degree of concordance amongst the measures, consideration for future studies and practical aspects are discussed.
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