This study was intended to investigate differences in relations of job stressors to job stress between male and female managers. Data were collected 99 male managers and 102 female managers in various service organizations. 15 job stressors and 3 job stress variables were measured. Correlational analyses showed that among female managers more various job stressors were correlated with job stress. Particularly job burnout was only significantly correlated to work-family conflict for the male group, but was correlated to 12 job stressors. Results of multiple regression analyses showed that there were differences in explaining job stress between male and female managers. Generally 15 job stressors explained more variances of job stress for the female group. Role ambiguity was most significant job stressor in explaining job stress for the male group. However, for the female group, role overload and emotional labor were most significant job stressors in explaining job stress. Finally, implications, limitations of this study, and suggestions for the future study were discussed. .
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