This study examined the risk(stress, depression, hopelessness) and protective factors(optimism, self-efficacy, social support) for suicidal ideations of Korean adolescents, and also investigated the moderating effects of sex and developmental period on their risk and protective factors. 1,022 Korean junior and senior high school students(male, N=490; female, N=532) participated in a self-report questionnaire survey. Results of the study showed that ‘life stress’, ‘depression’ and ‘hopelessness’ were related positively with suicidal ideations both in the simple correlation and regression analysis. On the other hand, ‘optimism’ and ‘self-efficacy’, which showed a negative relationship in simple correlation, showed an insignificant or positive relation with suicidal ideations in the regression analysis. But ‘social support’ negatively related with suicidal ideation both in the simple correlation and regression analysis. Risk and protective factors for suicidal ideations did not moderated by sex. Otherwise, the developmental period showed a significant moderating effect on stress and social support. Life stress influence much more on the suicidal ideation for junior high school students than senior high school students. On the other hand, social support influenced much more on the suicidal ideation for senior high school students than junior high school students. Finally, results of the study were discussed in relation with implications for interventions of adolescent's suicide and previous studies.
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