The aim of this study was to apply Eastern Self-discipline for the treatment of drug addicts. This study examines the characteristics of drug addiction such as the cause of drug addiction and classification, the drug abusers' characteristics, and treatment intervention. Confucianism and Buddhism are the two representative Eastern self-disciplines. Confucian principles value morals and courtesy by emphasizing benevolence and morality. On the other hand, the purpose of Buddhist principles is showing mercy to neighbors and emancipating oneself. Confucian principles that can be applied for the treatment of drug addicts are the practices of mindfulness by controlling one's body and attitude, the Nine manners and the Nine mental attitude as well as overcoming oneself to recover one's true nature. Buddhist principles that can be applied for the treatment of drug addicts are the Noble Eightfold Path, mindfulness meditation, and an approach with predisposition. Constant and sustainable work is needed to succeed with Eastern Self-discipline. In this study, the desirable attitude of the therapist to treat addicts was identified and the limitation and future study for the treatment of drug addicts using Eastern Self-discipline was discussed.
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