The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of multidimensional perfectionism and emotion regulation style on abnormal eating behaviors. A total of 241 women who are in their 20s were surveyed of multidimensional perfectionism scale(MPS), Emotion Regulation Style Check List, Korean version of Eating Attitude Test-26(KEAT-26). The data were analyzed through hierarchical regression. The results showed that multidimensional perfectionism and emotion regulation style significantly influenced binge eating behavior. Their interaction was also significant. Other-oriented perfectionism and socially-prescribed perfectionism among 3 subtypes of perfectionism were significantly predictive of binge eating behavior. Avoidance/distraction style and support-seeking style among 3 subtypes of emotion regulation style predicted binge eating behavior above and beyond perfectionism. Furthermore, It showed that the interaction between self-oriented perfectionism and avoidance/distraction style influenced binge eating behavior. However, the main effect of self-oriented perfectionism and socially prescribed perfectionism on anorexic behavior was significant. Being different from binge eating behavior, the main effect of emotion regulation styles on anorexic behavior was not significant. The interaction effect between self-oriented perfectionism and active emotion regulation style on anorexic behavior was significant. The present study suggests that not only perfectionism but also emotion regulation style should be considered as an important factor in binge eating behavior.
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