The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effect of marital satisfaction on relationship that retirement stress have an effect on depression among the retree. The subjects were composed of 220 retired older men. For the study, the survey was carried out using retirement stress scale, the Korean Marital Satisfaction Inventory scale, Geriatric Depression scale. The mediating effect was investigated based on the result of Higginbottom, Barling, & Kelloway(1993)'s structural equation model that the partial mediating effect of depression in relation to retirement satisfaction and marital satisfaction. The results of the study are as follows. First, according to the results of the effects of demographical variables, retirement variables, retirement stress, marital satisfaction on depression, hierarchical regression revealed that retirement stress and marital satisfaction explained 27% of total variables in the retired older men. Second, The partial mediational model of marital satisfaction showed better fit indices than alternative models. Third, the paths of partial mediational model indicated that career dissatisfaction of pre-retirement, plan of retirement preparation, living expenses' sufficiency of post-retirement were significant variables among retirement variables that explained retirement stress. And retirement stress was significant which explained depression. Moreover, marital satisfaction mediated the relationship between retirement stress and depression. Therefore, the partial mediating effect of marital satisfaction was examined on relationship that retirement stress have an effect on depression. The suggestions and the limitations of this study and the directions of future study were discussed.
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