This research was to investigate the characteristics of domestic violence takers. Specifically, this research was to verify the motivation of domestic violence, the emotions during domestic violence and the reasons for decrease of domestic violence. For these purposes, qualitative interviews with ten domestic violators who had been accused of domestic violence were taken. Then we analyzed these interviews using the theme analysis method. The results were as follows. First, the main reasons why they do domestic violence were revealed to be three categories, namely, conflict with wife, the characteristics of personality, and environmental factors. Especially, conflict with wife was found to be most main problem. Second, the emotions during domestic violence were revealed to be three categories such as the sense of anger, short of self-control and shame. Third, the changes accompanying the decrease of domestic violence were found to be five categories, namely, increase of the power of self-control in stress situation, the change of emotion expression, the purification of sense of anger, the change of thinking style and behavior style. We discussed the role of professional counselor, and limitations of these findings were discussed.
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