This study attempted to investigate the effects of emotional awareness deficit, emotional expressivity, ambivalence over emotional expressiveness on somatization, stress experience frequency and depression of college students. In order to verify, 145 college students completed the Toronto Alexithymia Scale, the Emotional Expressiveness Scale, the Ambivalence over emotional expressiveness questionnaire, the Symptom Checklist-90-R- Revised-SOM Scale, the Life stress Scale for College Students-Revised, Beck's Depression Inventory. Participants who did not report any questionnaire excluded from the analyses. The final sample size was 134. The data were analyzed using correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression analyses. The results indicated that emotional awareness deficit, ambivalence over emotional expressiveness were positively related to somatization, stress experience frequency, depression. Also stepwise multiple regression result indicates emotional awareness deficit predict somatization and stress experience frequency, interaction of emotional awareness deficit and ambivalence over emotional expressiveness predict depression. The implications and limitations of this study were discussed and directions for future research were suggested.
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