The present paper examined internet game addiction from the perspective of self-regulatory failure. In so doing, we offered an analysis of the ecological nature of cyber-space and internet games in the current Koran society. We then proposed a comprehensive structural model of internet game addiction based on the public health approach. The proposed model put emphasis on the dynamic interplay between three major factors: user characteristics, game characteristics and environmental characteristics. The model proposed that game users differ in their genetic dispositions and personality traits. In addition, the model proposed that game characteristics can be analyzed based on positive as well as negative functional properties inherent to internet games. The model also identified availability, accessability and acceptability as key environmental factors of internet games. It was assumed that the joint impact of the three factors upon the game user can be positive as well as negative. The present paper also made an attempt to clarify the process of internet game addiction by taking a developmental perspective. Specifically, it was proposed that individuals pass through three distinct stages of addiction (i.e., experimental-impulsive-compulsive) and the three stages differ qualitatively from one another in their neuro-plasticity and behavioral characteristics. Finally, the present paper proposed a process approach to addictive behavior which views addictive behavior as self-regulatory failure of higher level goals. Relationships between structural, developmental, and process model of internet game addiction, and the issues of generality versus specificity of addiction models were also discussed.
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