This study examined whether the three aspects of problem-solving appraisal mediate the link from optimism to both positive and negative affects as well as the link from pessimism to both positive and negative affects, respectively. A total of 152(127 women) adults completed the research packet including measures of the Life Orientation Test-Revised, Problem-Solving Inventory, and Positive and Negative Affect Schedule. The study results from structural equation modeling suggested that (a) as for optimism, problem-solving confidence(PSC) and personal control(PC) significantly mediated some of the link between optimism and either positive or negative affect, but no mediation effect was found for approach-avoidance style(AAS), and (b) as for pessimism, the mediating effect was significant for all of the three dimensions of problem-solving appraisal(PSC, AAS, and PC). Discussion focused on a potentially differential mechanism by which optimism and pessimism lead to positive and negative affects.
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