The purpose of this study was to discover the effects of the Psychomotology Group Counseling Program on the social skills and stress coping scale of university students. The assumption of this research was that Psychomotology Group Counseling Program will enhance the social skills and stress coping ability. For this study, two groups- a experimental group and a control group - 19 students in total, were organized and the treatment was conducted a experimental group. The experimental group, composed of 10 college students, attended group counseling based on Psychomotology. The control group, composed of 9 college students, had a class. The treatment lasted for an six-week period. In each week, a two-hour-long session was conducted. For the data processing, The analysis of t-test and ANCOVA was used. Two groups turned out to be all homogeneous by t-test pretesting. the Social Skills and Stress Coping Scale was the instruments used to measure the effects of the treatment. The test was employed to find differences between groups after treatments. The experimental group showed significant differences statistically compared with the control groups in the Social Skills and Stress Coping Scale. These results imply that Psychomotology Group Counseling Program enhances the social skills and stress coping ability.
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