This study examined posttraumatic growth(PTG) of breast cancer(BC) survivors. The purposes of this study are as follows. First, we compared BC survivors'(n = 99) self-reports of PTG with those of age-matched healthy comparison(HC) women(n = 95). Second, we identified correlates of sociodemographics, cancer-related, psychological factors and PTG among BC survivors. Lastly, we explored predictors of PTG among BC survivors. Results indicated that the BC group showed a pattern of greater PTG than HC group. Among the sociodemographic factors, the number of children and the religion were associated PTG significantly. Disease stage at diagnosis, receipt of chemotherapy were associated with greater PTG in cancer-related factors. Psychological factors such as extraversion, openness, self-esteem, coping and perceived social support were related to greater PTG. The best predictor of PTG was positive reframing coping. In addition, perceived social support to family and disease stage at diagnosis were good predictors of PTG.
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