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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

The Effects of Self-esteem Enhancement Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescents' Internet Addiction and Game Addiction

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2010, v.15 no.1, pp.143-159


The purpose of this study composed verification of effects from self-esteem enforcement cognitive behavioral therapy influencing on adolescents' game addiction. Three groups with 21students respectively were chosen for game addiction group and internet addiction group. Self-esteem enhancement cognitive behavioral therapy was conducted for the first experimental group, cognitive behavioral therapy was given to the second comparison group and nothing was done to the third control group. Scales used for game addiction group were those of game addiction, self-esteem and self-proficiency while scales used for internet addiction group were those of internet addiction, self-esteem and self-proficiency. The first conclusion of this study is that self-esteem enhancement cognitive behavioral therapy caused a significant decrease in game addiction and a significant increase in self-esteem and self-proficiency for game addiction group, compared to cognitive behavioral one. The second conclusion is that self-esteem enhancement cognitive behavioral therapy caused a significant decrease in internet addiction but no significant change in self-esteem and self-proficiency for internet addiction group, compared to cognitive behavioral one. Therefore, this conclusion suggests that self-esteem enhancement cognitive behavioral therapy will be an effective means in decreasing adolescent' game addiction and in increasing their self-esteem and self-proficiency for game addiction group. we discussed the limitation of this study and the direction of future research.

internet addiction, game addiction, self-esteem enhancement cognitive behavioral therapy, 인터넷 중독, 게임중독, 자존감 향상 인지행동 치료



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology