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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Reliability and Factor Structure of The Korean Version of Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2010, v.15 no.2, pp.345-355
Su-Jin Lim (Nanum Clinic)
Young-Ho Lee (Nanum Clinic)
Si-Young Heo (Nanum Clinic)
MinKyu Rhee (Department of Psychology Gyeongsang National University)
Young-Min Choi (Department of Neuropsychiatry College of Medicine Inje University Sanggye Paik Hospital)
Min-Sook Kim (Department of Neuropsychiatry College of Medicine Inje University Sanggye Paik Hospital)
Youl-Ri Kim (Department of Neuropsychiatry College of Medicine Inje University Seoul Paik Hospital)


This study was attempted to investigate the reliability, factor analysis and norms of the Korean Version of Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire(KEDE-Q). The KEDE-Q was administered to 306 female college students. Construct validity was tested by an exploratory factor analysis. Internal consistency was tested by Cronbach's α . The author also tried to make T score norms of the KEDE-Q using T score 70 as a cutoff point. By a factor analysis, 4 factors were extracted. Factor 1 was 'weight and shape concern' which consisted of 11 items and explained 26.15% of variance, factor 2 was 'restraint' which consisted of 5 items and explained 14.04% of variance,factor 3 was 'eating concern' which consisted of 5 items and explained 12.02% of variance and factor 4 was 'shape and weight related body image' which consisted of 2 items and explained 7.27% of variance. Cronbach's internal consistency was .92 for 'weight and shape concern', .83 for 'restraint', .79 for 'eating concern', and .88 for 'shape and weight related body image'. T score norms as a cutoff score were 53 for 'weight and shape concern', 16 for 'restraint', 10 for 'eating concern', and 9 for shape and weight related body image'. These results support that the KEDE-Q is a reliable and valid tool for evaluating the patients with eating disorder and related eating problems for the various purposes. The author also demonstrates T score norms of the KEDE-Q as a cutoff score of each subscale.

Eating disorders, KEDE-Q, reliability, factor analysis, norm
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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology