Recovery means going on to a happy life. The purpose of this study was to test the development and effectiveness of a happiness program for the alcohol dependent patients. Two groups participated in this study, consisting of a total of fifteen people with the treatment group of eight, and a alcohol dependent patient control group of seven. The treatment group participated a total of ten sessions. The main topics of the happiness program include the following: orientation; care of one's body; management of stress; finding self merit; growth of self; meaning of life and purpose of life; gratitude; effective conversation; expression of anger and finding a person who supported self; new preparedness and ending. The procedures for this happiness program were mindful meditation, a lecture, individual group discussions related to the above topics, and feedback about the program by group members. The scores of the two groups at the point of pre-test, post-test, after one month follow-up were analysed and compared through the Wilcoxon matched pairs signed rank test and Mann-Whitney U test. The results showed that the treatment group who took the happiness program didn't significantly increase satisfaction with life nor self-esteem. But significantly increased in abstinence self-efficacy post test and after one month follow-up than the pre test in treatment group. Results of the study were discussed in relation with previous and future studies.
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