The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the Korean Forgiveness Scale-Short form(KFSS). The sample consisted of 1560 adults who had been hurt by others(age range: 20-60 years old). The measures included the KFSS, one-item forgiveness question, Heartland Forgiveness Scale(HFS), Transgression-Related Interpersonal Motivations Inventory(TRIM), Spielberger Anxiety and Anger Scale, and CES-D. The results showed that the KFSS had relatively good internal consistency(Cronbach α=.86) and test-retest reliability(r=.78). Both explanatory and confirmatory factor analyses suggested that the KFSS had one factor which explained 44.80% of total variance. The KFSS was highly correlated with one-item forgiveness question. It also had significant correlations with other forgiveness measures(HFS and TRIM). In addition, the forgiveness group had significantly higher KFSS scores than the non-forgiveness group. Finally, the KFSS was negatively correlated to anger, anxiety, and depression. These results suggested that the KFSS had good reliability and validity.
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