The purpose of this study was to identify the relevant predictors and to analyze the effect size of intervention studies in reference to acculturative stress. Electronic literature searches are conducted for PubMed, CINAH, RISS, Naver academic, KISS, NDSL, Nanet, Kci, DBpia and KoreaMed. Of 482 studies identified, 38 meet the inclusion criteria, and 8 are used to estimate the effect size. A total of 62 factors have been considered as possible predictors for acculturative stress. Of these, 54 factors have been identified as statistically significant factors. The 12 factors that are identified most often as predictors are monthly household income, ability to speak Korean, duration of residence in Korea, nationality, social support, number of children, duration of marriage, marital satisfaction, couple’s age difference, spouse and family support, depression, and type of acculturation. Types of intervention include art therapy, dance therapy, horticultural therapy, and music therapy. The effect size using the random model effect is high (d=-.83, 95% CI:-1.34-0.32), even though the numbers of intervention studies and randomized controlled trials are very rare. This study is an initial step in developing an effective intervention for married immigrant women in Korea. The next steps will be to construct a questionnaire consisting of relevant variables based on these study results and to develop an actual intervention program.
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