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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

Narcissistic Exhibitionism, Sociosexuality and Mild Sexual Violence : The Moderated Mediating Effect of State Empathy

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2016, v.21 no.1, pp.153-172


Previously, mild sexual violence such as vulgar jokes was more common than acts of severe sexual violence, including sexual coercion, attempted rape and rape. However, recent studies show that narcissism and sociosexuality are risk factors of sexual aggression; whereas, state empathy is a protective factor. This study aimed to identify the relationship between narcissistic personality traits and mild sexual violence, in order to prevent sexually violent crimes and develop detailed intervention strategies for sex offenders. We accordingly examined the moderated-mediating effects of state empathy among narcissistic exhibitionism, sociosexuality and mild sexual violence in a non-clinical group. Data were obtained from male students in Kangwon National University. Two-hundred and ten students completed self-report questionnaires, such as K-NPI and K-CMEM. The results were as follows: first, hierarchical regression analysis suggested that narcissistic exhibitionism of 7 K-NPI subscales was identified by the only predictor of mild sexual violence. Second, each sociosexuality subscales (impulsive sexual behavior or open minded perspective in sex) completely mediated a relationship between exhibitionism and mild sexual violence. Finally, higher state empathy significantly decreased mediating effects of sociosexuality subscales, indicative that the mediating effects were instead moderated by state empathy. The moderated-mediation indicates that the effect of narcissistic exhibitionism on mild sexual violence via a mediator (impulsive sexual behavior or open minded perspective in sex) differs depending on the levels of moderator (state empathy) in males. The limitations and implications were discussed.

자기애-과시, 충동적 성행동, 개방적 성태도, 상태공감, 경미한 성폭력 가해 행동, narcissistic exhibitionism, impulsive sexual behavior, open minded perspective in sex, state empathy, mild sexual violence



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology