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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

The Relationships Between Recovery Attitude and, Drug Attitude in Schizophrenic Inpatients Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Cognitive Insight

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2016, v.21 no.1, pp.257-271


The purpose of this study is to find a possible to explanation of the effects of drug attitude with recovery attitude among schizophrenic inpatients in a meaningful way. The study is especially aimed to analyze the moderating effects of cognitive insight on the recovery attitude with drug attitude. The subjects of this study were 55 schizophrenic inpatients of C hospital in the Chungcheong area. The questionnaires composed of a recovery attitude scale, Beck cognitive insight scale, and the Korean version of the drug attitude inventory. 42 copies of surveys in total were analyzed with the following methods: correlation analysis, simple regression, and multiple regressions. As a result, both recovery attitude and cognitive insight showed as significant correlation to drug attitude positively. The degree of cognitive insight of low recovery attitude group had influences on drug attitude, but those of higher recovery attitude group did not show the significant effect to drug attitude. It suggested that current medication methods, which try to improve medication compliance through enhancing insight may not be effective on schizophrenic patients who show a high degree of psychological adjustment to illness. It raised needs to be recommended such as a patient's level of psychological adjustment to illness should be considered when practicing medication methods, which could help to improve medication compliance through enhancing insight where applied.

Schizophrenia, Recovery attitude, Cognitive insight, Drug attitude, 조현병, 재기태도, 약물태도, 인지적 병식



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology