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Moderating Effect of Distress Tolerance on the Relationship Between Negative Affect Intensity and Adaptive and Maladaptive Emotion Regulation Strategies

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2016, v.21 no.4, pp.719-740

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This study investigated whether the relationship between negative affect intensity and emotion regulation strategies was moderated by distress tolerance. Affect Intensity Measure (AIM), Distress Tolerance Scale(DTS), and Emotion Regulation Strategy Questionnaire (ERSQ) were implemented to 546 adults. Correlational analysis indicated that negative affect intensity correlated positively with maladaptive regulation strategy and negatively with distress tolerance and adaptive regulation strategy. Distress tolerance correlated positively with adaptive regulation strategy and negatively with maladaptive regulation strategy. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that the moderating effect of distress tolerance on the relationship between negative affect intensity and adaptive strategies was significant. However, the moderating effect of distress tolerance on the relationship between negative affect intensity and maladaptive strategies was not significant. Simple slope analysis supported the moderating role of distress tolerance between negative affect intensity and adaptive strategies. Low levels of distress tolerance, in the context of elevated levels of negative affect intensity, were associated with the low levels of adaptive strategies. These results suggest that the intervention best suited for growing distress tolerance would be to increase the use of adaptive emotion regulation strategies. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study were discussed along with suggestions for future research.

부정 정서강도, 고통감내력, 적응적 정서조절방략, 부적응적 정서조절방략, 조절효과, negative affect intensity, distress tolerance, adaptive emotion regulation strategy, maladaptive emotion regulation strategy, moderating effect



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology