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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

The Reliability and Validity of the Stress Resilience Inventory: The case of a physical examination for conscription

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2017, v.22 no.4, pp.883-903


The purposes of this study are to examine the adaptation and coping style of the individual according to the concept of resilience and control, and to develop a scale to measure the adjustability to military life. It was based on the data from 2,144 men in their late teens and early twenties who visited the Military Manpower Administration(MMA) for military service. The 57 items that were administered to the middle school students through the parental report in the study by Ku and Hwang (2001) were modified to reflect a self-report form. The scale consisted of a total of 60 items to the "Stress Resilience Inventory(SRI)", which was achieved by adding 3 items to assess validity. As a result of the factor analysis, 24 items of 'undercontrol/brittle' scale, 22 items of 'resilient' scale and 22 items of 'overcontrol/brittle' scale were extracted, and 2 items were not included in any subscale. Internal consistency was .89∼.91 and test-retest reliability was .86∼.94. The validity was verified through a comparison with the MMA psychological tests. Five clusters (Borderline, Undercontrolled, Overcontrolled, Ego-resilient, and Maladjusted) were identified through a K-means cluster analysis. These results suggest that the Stress Resilience Inventory is a reliable and valid test to assess adaptation and coping behavior during military life.

Resilience, Ego-control, Undercontrol, Overcontrol, Stress, Adaptation, Coping resource, Vulnerability, 탄력성, 자아통제, 과소통제, 과잉통제, 스트레스, 적응, 대처능력, 취약성



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology