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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

The Relationship Between Goal-Focused Self-Regulation and Impaired Control on Alcohol: Mediation Effects of Emotion Regulation and Impulsivity

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2017, v.22 no.4, pp.969-994


Although goal-focused self-regulation is presumed to be a major predictor variable of impaired control on alcohol, it lacks empirical support. Thus, this study verifies the hypothesis that the relationship between goal-focused self-regulation and impaired control on alcohol would be mediated by impulsivity and emotion regulation. The goal-focused self-regulation scale, impulsivity scale, emotion regulation scale, and impaired control scale were completed by 363 participants age 18-60. In correlation analysis, goal-focused self-regulation was negatively associated with impaired control on alcohol. In hierarchical regression analysis, the former negatively predicted the latter. When controlling for goal-focused self-regulation and impulsivity, the effect of emotion regulation on impaired control on alcohol was significant. In structural equation modeling verification, the study model performs better, in terms of fit, than the competing model. Unexpectedly, when impulsivity and emotion regulation are entered as mediating variables, goal-focused self-regulation positively predicted impaired control on alcohol. However, the former negatively predicted the latter through impulsivity and emotion regulation. Consequently, the results support that impulsivity as well as emotion regulation are necessary to predict impaired control on alcohol. Hence, intervention to promote emotion regulation and reduce impulsivity should be implemented to decrease impaired control on alcohol.

목표중심 자기조절, 중독, 알코올 조절실패, 정서조절, 충동성, goal-focused self-regulation, addiction, alcohol regulation failure, impulsivity, emotion regulation



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology