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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

The Effects of Intolerance of Uncertainty and Perfectionism on Worry: The Mediating Effects of Cognitive Avoidance

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2017, v.22 no.4, pp.995-1014


This study explored several variables that predict worry related to psychological distress. Previous research has been proven the contribution towards intolerance of uncertainty to worry, with cognitive avoidance as a mediator of those processes. To clarify the relationships, we added perfectionism as a predictor. A total of 455 undergraduate students that completed the set of questionnaires assessing intolerance of uncertainty, perfectionism, cognitive avoidance and worry. Conducting a structural equation modeling, intolerance of uncertainty and perfectionism correlated each other. Additionally, cognitive avoidance partially mediated the effect of intolerance of uncertainty on worry, whereas the mediation effect of cognitive avoidance on the relationship between perfectionism and worry was insignificant. Examining the effects of perfectionism sub-factors, only self-oriented perfectionism predicted worry via their effects on cognitive avoidance. These findings suggest that intolerance of uncertainty and self-oriented perfectionism may be promising targets for early intervention of worry. Additional implications and limitations were also discussed.

불확실성에 대한 인내력 부족, 완벽주의, 인지적 회피, 걱정, intolerance of uncertainty, perfectionism, cognitive avoidance, worry



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology