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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

The Sequential Dual Mediating Effects of Rumination and Social Avoidance Between Rejection Sensitivity and Depression

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2018, v.23 no.1, pp.187-207


This study was conducted to examine the sequential dual mediating effects of rumination and social avoidance between rejection sensitivity and depression in undergraduate students. For this purpose, this study used self-reported versions of the Rejection Sensitivity Scale(RSQ), Rumination Response Scale(RRS), Cognitive-Behavior Avoidance Scale(CBAS) and Depression Scale(CES-D) in 282 undergraduate students(female 172, male 110). The sequential dual mediating effects were analyzed by the use of a structural equation model. The findings of this study show that rejection sensitivity affected the types of maladaptive ruminations, brooding and depressive rumination. And the rumination affected the cognitive and behavior social avoidance in sequence, after these variables affected on the depressive symptoms of the participants. The results of this study suggest that if university students who have indicated a high level of rejection sensitivity ruminate and avoid interpersonal relationships, they are going to experience depressive symptoms as a result of this experience. This study was meaningful for focusing on the phenomenon of social avoidance, which is specifically related to rejection sensitivity, and suggesting one integrative model about related variables. Based on these results, the limitations of this study were discussed, as well as a discussion was provided regarding possible therapeutic methods that can useful to intervene in maladaptive rumination and social avoidance of the students, which is useful for preventing rejection sensitivity which is likely linked to depression.

거절민감성, 우울, 반추, 사회적 회피, Rejection Sensitivity, Depression, Rumination, Social avoidance



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology