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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

The Effect of Distraction on Depression: The Moderating Role of Flow

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2018, v.23 no.1, pp.81-97


The purpose of this study was to examine flow as a moderator of the relation between the conceptual elements of distraction and depression. The study clarified that the effect of distraction on depression would be increased when the flow level is higher in an individual. There were three hundred and twenty-six undergraduate students who participated in the study and who completed the following testing questionnaire: the Response Style Questionnaire(RSQ), Tellegen Absorption Scale(TAS), and The Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D) examinations. Afterwards, the hierarchical regression analyses was reviewed and studied, which indicated that the interaction effect of distraction and flow on depression is significant in an individual experiencing these components. Our study revealed that in the case where the flow level was considered high, the effect of distraction on depression was significant, while when the flow level was identified as low, there was no significant result. Finally, we conclude with the implications and the limitations of this study, and suggestions for future directions were discussed based on our results of the current study parameters.

Depression, distraction, flow, 우울 증상, 주의분산, 몰입



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology