This study aims to investigate the possible application of the delay discounting task, a behavioral task that measures impulsiveness, on the relationship between impulsiveness and smartphone addiction among adolescents. The relative utility of the delay discounting task was also examined and compared to the utility of a self-report questionnaire. In order to do this, it was necessary to examine whether there were differences in the values of delay discounting by smartphone addiction level. The correlation between the delay discounting task, the self-report questionnaire of impulsiveness, and smartphone addiction were also investigated. Lastly, the independent explanation power of the delay discounting task on smartphone addiction was examined. The self-report surveys and the delay discounting tasks were conducted with 342 male and female adolescents in four middle schools and six high schools in an urban city in the southern part of Korea. As a result, students in the group with the highest level of smartphone addiction showed statistically significant higher values in the delay discounting task. This indicated they have higher impulsiveness than the group of students with a low level of smartphone addiction. In addition, both the delay discounting task and the self-report questionnaire showed a statistically significant correlation with smartphone addiction, although the correlation between the two instruments was not statistically significant. Finally, the delay discounting task significantly predicted the smartphone addiction while controlling the smartphone using time and the variables of the self-report questionnaire. These results show that the delay discounting task is an appropriate tool for measuring impulsiveness related to smartphone addiction. Limitations and implications for future research on the delay discounting task are discussed.
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