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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology

  • P-ISSN1229-070X
  • E-ISSN2713-9581
  • KCI

The Effect of Anxiety Levels and Risk Perception on Attentional Process of Criminal Stimulus: Focusing on Attentional Bias

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2018, v.23 no.3, pp.677-700


This study administered (a)Change Detection Task, which consists of criminal words and neutral words, and (b)Comparison Blindness Task with three types of pictures(Risk+Risk Change, Risk+Neutral Stimulus, Neutral Stimulus+ Neutral Stimulus Change) to find the effect of anxiety levels and risk perception on attentional bias, compared with a control group, and conducted Comparison Blindness Task by presenting pictures as an alternative of words to supplement limits of Change Detection Task. Also, BAI and DOSPER were conducted among 432 undergraduate students and more than 20% of DOSPER scores was classified as the Risk Perception Group, out of which participants with more than 22 BAI scores were selected as a group with a high level of both anxiety and risk perception. The Anxiety&Risk Perception Group(n=21), Risk Perception Group(n=21), and Control Group(n=21) conducted Change Detection Task. Thereafter, there is not a significant difference between the Anxiety&Risk Perception Group and the Risk Perception Group, while the main effect among three groups is significant. However, the interaction between emotional conditions and words stimuli is significant and responses to criminal words are faster in case of positive emotion. These results indicated that as information increases, decision ability decreases by the effect of emotion, and the Anxiety & Risk Perception Group responded slowly in the condition of negative emotion and did not display any significant difference from the Risk Perception Group. In Experiment 2, attentional bias was tested through three types of pictures in Comparison Blindness Task. However, there was no significant difference in response time between the Anxiety+Risk Perception Group and the Risk Perception Group because of avoidant responses to anxiety. In the aspect of different conditions of picture stimuli types, the results showed response time was fast in Risk+Risk Change, Risk+Neutral Stimulus Change, Neutral+Neutral Stimulus Change in order. Finally, through response time analysis, results demonstrated the group with anxiety tendencies and the Risk Perception Group had attentional bias to risky stimuli and these attentional characteristics distinguished those groups from the control.

위험지각, 위험감수, 불안, 범죄, 주의편향, 변화탐지, 비교맹시, risk perception, anxiety, crime, attention bias, change detection, comparison blindness



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology