Self-affirmation buffers distress and defensive responses in various threatening situations. The objective of this study was to examine whether or not self-affirmation would have the same effect on the relationship between trait anxiety and social performance perception in a social threatening situation. Eighty college students completed a trait anxiety scale and participated in the experiment. In the experiment, half of the participants were asked to write about self-affirmation, and the others wrote about a general value. They were then requested to make a 3 minute presentation, which was recorded. After the presentation, each participant evaluated his/her own performance and other two raters assessed it independently. The assessment included the detailed ratings of performance and the evaluation of overall impression. A negative bias score was calculated by subtracting the subjective assessment score from the objective score. Results revealed that self-affirmation have a moderating effect on the relationship between the trait anxiety and subjective evaluation, as well as the trait anxiety and evaluation bias. This therefore suggests that self-affirmation does have positive effect on social performance on subjective perception. Finally, the implications and limitations of the study and suggestion were discussed.
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