The objectives of this study were to confirm the mediating effect of anger rumination and the moderation effect of self-compassion in the relationship between overt and covert narcissism and character maturation, and to verify the difference in the influence of overt and covert narcissism on character maturation. 470 adults were surveyed. The findings of this study were as follows: First, anger rumination was fully mediated through the negative relationship between overt narcissism and character maturation. Covert narcissism was partially mediated only by subscales of character maturation. Secondly, self-compassion showed a moderating effect on both character maturation and subscale cooperativeness in both overt narcissism and covert narcissism. Lastly, the higher the overt narcissism, the more negative influence on the cooperativeness than the self-directedness, and the higher the covert narcissism, the more negative impact on self-directedness than the cooperativeness.
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