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Three Meanings of Insight Into the Non-Self and Psychotherapeutic Implications: Phenomenological Qualitative Research

The Korean Journal of Health Psychology / The Korean Journal of Health Psychology, (P)1229-070X; (E)2713-9581
2020, v.25 no.5, pp.861-890

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The purpose of this study was to understand the Buddhist concept of the anatta (non-self) and to reveal the meaning and essence of the experience. The subjects were seven Buddhism-related experts studying Buddhism and practicing meditation for more than 10 years each. Data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews October - November 2019. Based on the analysis results using the phenomenological method of Giorgi, nine sub-components and four components were derived. The components were <Understanding the non-substantiality of existence>, <Living an unconstrained life>, <The process of gaining a deep understanding and the shift from knowledge to wisdom>, and <The moment when only awareness exists>. Insight into the anatta was summarized as (1) attaining wisdom of the anatta, (2) living an anatta-related life, and (3) engaging in an anatta-related experience. These results suggest that insight into the anatta has been understood holistically from a cognitive, emotional/behavioral, and training perspective. Next, when we examined the relationship between psychological therapy and three meanings of insight into the anatta summarized above, each meaning correspond to the principle (mechanism), goals, and technique of psychotherapy. Finally, the limitations and implications of this study are presented.

anatta (non-Self), wisdom, psychotherapy, phenomenological qualitative research, 무아, 지혜, 심리치료, 현상학적 질적 연구



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The Korean Journal of Health Psychology