ISSN : 1229-0653
Acquirement an social reputation was fundamental task for taking trust and social cooperation in small group and society from a evolutionary psychological perspective. In this study, components of perceived social reputation which to great important to person were assumed as five elements which of sympathetic altruism, responsibility, reciprocal trust, ability competence, appearance competence from a evolutionary psychological perspective. In study result, our hypothesis was proved that main components of perceived social reputation are sympathetic altruism, responsibility, reciprocal trust, ability competence, appearance competence. Internal consistency of perceived social reputation scale was appropriate(.90). And it was showed that perceived social reputation scale is positively correlated to gratitude, social support and belief for trust and compromise, but negatively correlated to hostility, depression and ego-centrism, so convergent validity was relatively good. Implication of social reputation was discussed from a evolutionary psychological perspective.
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In this study, Acquirement an social reputation was fundamental task for taking trust and social cooperation in small group and society from a evolutionary psychological perspective components of perceived social reputation which to great important to person were assumed as five elements which of sympathetic altruism appearance competence from a evolutionary psychological perspective our hypothesis was proved that main components of perceived social reputation are sympathetic altruism,