ISSN : 1229-0653
This study seeks to examine empirically students’ use of norms, both individual or self-norms and consciousness peer group norms, and the effect these have on individual behaviors, while focusing attention on student adaptation in class to other students and teacher instruction. Data were collected in 19 classrooms, with a total of 643 students (grades 7-8). The question sheet measured self-norms, consciousness toward group-norms, behavior frequency, teacher instruction, classroom adaptation. The calculated relative weight of self-norms, consciousness toward group-norms to behavior frequency when split into high and low levels of classroom adaptation, indicated that, in relation to consciousness toward group-norms and behavior frequency, the overall tendency was for relative weight figure to be high of consciousness toward group-norms in the low-groups relation to their teacher, and in the high-groups relation to their classmates. In this study it was found that, since a strong predictor of class adaptation was the performance of teacher instruction, importance needs to be placed on not only teacher instruction that heightens norm consciousness, but also instruction that increases class adaptability, when debating the control of problem behavior at school.
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