ISSN : 1229-0653
This study examined the factor structure of the Coping through Understanding and Expression of Emotion Scale through a robust exploratory factor analysis with a large scale of college student sample (N=905) as well as a confirmatory factor analysis with another sample of college students (N=287). The results favored a 4-factor solution (regulated understanding, masked expressing, vented expressing, and regulated expressing) over the original 5-factor solution. Additionally, with the second sample, cluster analysis entering the four factors as the clustering variables was conducted to identify natural groupings of people in terms of their use of emotion-focused coping. The cluster analysis along with MANOVA results suggest the presence of four clusters (high regulating group, low emotional-coping group, high masked- expressing group, and high vented-expressing group) and the four groups significantly differ on their scores across various psychological symptoms. Particularly, high vented-expressing group reveals the most elevated symptoms among the four groups, which indicates that people venting emotions would experience more psychological distress.
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