ISSN : 1229-0653
This study developed a risk assessment tool for measuring severity of wife abuse. The development and application of this measurement tool aims to prevent women from lethality of abusive intimate partner relationship, especially domestic violence. In order to accomplish this purpose, first, the risk factors for wife abuse were selected based on a comprehensive literature review and an interview of Korea Women's Hot Line's counselors. Then theses risk factors were constructed to be the preliminary form of WARA (Wife Abuse Risk Assessment). In order to evaluate the validity indexes of WARA, Pearson correlations between the WARA and SARA, DAS, PCL-R was calculated. As a result, WARA was significantly correlated with SARA, DAS, PCL-R. ROC analysis was applied to produce a cutoff-score discriminating high risk group from low and medium risk groups. Consequently, WARA presented to have good discriminating power among criterion groups. Finally, it was discussed how to use this assessment tool for criminal justice professionals to predict lethality of domestic violence.
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